Fact file

Supported since 2022
Number of beneficiaries 150
Country Serbia
Type of Support Provide Aid

Serbia is a landlocked country in South-East Europe with a population of 8.6 million people. (source)

Serbia’s Romany population is estimated at 600 000 making Romany people the second largest minority in Serbia. (source)

It is estimated that 25% of Serbia are impoverished. Those living in the South of Serbia are at higher risk of poverty when compared to those in the North. It is estimated that households are 10 times more likely to live in poverty if the head of the house has not completed primary education. (source)

Furthermore, around 60% of the Romany population live in settlements across Serbia lacking access to safe drinking water. Unemployment rates amongst the Romany community are over 60% which compares with a rate of 25% amongst non-Roma Serbians. Over 50% of the Romany population living in Serbia do not complete primary education. (source)

CRY support the Children’s Oasis in Prokuplje, situated in the South of Serbia. The Children’s Oasis provides education and hygiene teaching and nutritious food to 150 children from Romany background with poor access to education and adequate nutrition. This project travels around rural villages and settlements to provide these services.

CRY’s heart is to tackle inequality and to build a better future for marginalised children. Please join us in our mission and click below to support this project.

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